Corporate Social Investment
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New Beginningz is an organization that incorporates all the areas of baby care and nurturing in a loving homely environment. In 2008 they launched their 1st “Baby Wall”. A wall with a slot where desperate mothers can safely leave unwanted Babies rather than dumping them in dustbins, toilets, pit latrines, parks or streets. Their efforts are aimed at offering desperate mothers and destitute babies a safe alternative & an opportunity to live.
Grand Gaming Gauteng aims to engage in the relief and help to provide decent homes to the less fortunate children who are found and declared to be abandoned, neglected and dependent. The focus of this CSI programme is aimed at the upliftment of communities through social skills development, health & safety and empotheyrment. Due to the increasing numbers of abandoned, neglected and abused babies in need of care and understanding financial implications of running a Home like this, they have provided funding to New Beginningz in order for them to accommodate and care for more babies.
Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated R165 000 to New Beginningz. To date, Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated over R310 000 to the organization which has ensured continuous care for more than 700 Babies & Toddlers. Furthermore, the funds assist them with paying the salaries of their full-time caregivers that provide education for the children. The funds have also ensured that kids receive their 2 meals per day, 2 snacks, milk & infant formula, bottles, nappies, toiletries, medication, clinic visits and services far beyond ordinary day care centers.

Compass offers a rehabilitation program for homeless women and children; they provide professional counselling programs through registered counsellors and mental health practitioners. They also provide social services through their own registered social workers and trained, qualified teachers and caregivers for the children within their care to ensure the best level of education and caregiving.
Grand Gaming Gauteng aims is to assist Compass to provide residential care (housing), food, education, health care and safe environment to women and children who are in need of care. The purpose is to grow the current refuge home where women and children who have suffered abuse or abandon can feel safe to re-build a constructive life for themselves.
Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated R85 000 to Compass. This gave them an ability to continue serving meals for the homeless especially during the festive season when most companies were closed and there was limited funds. The financial aid enabled them to continue providing shelter, medical care, counselling and career guidance to empower women to create a better future for themselves and their children.

Vita Nova Centre is a residential facility in Springs. They cater for persons with Cerebral Palsy, Downe Syndrome, Autism and the physically and mentally challenged. Some of our children are blind, deaf and have HIV/AIDS. Vita Nova means “New Life”. To the more unfortunate, Vita Nova will be the only home they will ever know and they strive to make it as homely and as happy as possible.
Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R170 000 to Vita Nova. To date Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated over R430 000 to the Vita Nova Centre which has assisted them to care for over 122 residents at the centre. The residents arrive at the centre with nothing and they provide them with toiletries, nappies, bedding and clothing. Our aid helps them give all their children lots of love and care, something they so
desperately need and deserve.

Kitso Lesedi Youth Development is a non-profit organization that aims to up-skill the youth of South Africa to alleviate poverty. Their goal is to skill and train youth from disadvantaged areas through social development and skills based programmes so they may one day become champions of the communities and lead them to a better tomorrow.
The focus of this CSI programme is to train and capacitate the management, employees and direct beneficiaries of the project on various aspects of business. Their programs are designed to stimulate the youth with management, business, ICT and Artisan Skills. Grand Gaming Gauteng aims to assist this organization to continue to mentor more communities through social and skill based programmes and provide easy access to information through guidance, mentoring and technology.
In 2022, Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R100 000 which will be applied through the implementation of programmes such as ICT skills training and continue to improve the conditions of their premises in order for them to practice a good ad healthy environment for all. To date, Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated R300 000 to Kitso Lesedi Youth Development. Their capacity building programs have been very successful in that over 700+- of young people under their Life’s skills, business, ICT AND Artisan trainings.

Mduduzi Memorial Hospice is a community-based organization that deals with HIV/AIDS program in the community of Vosloorus and surrounding arrears. The organization was established in 2004 by a group of parents comprised of community leaders and professionals who obliged to play a meaningful role in the plight of HIV/AIDS orphaned and vulnerable children.
Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R165 000 to the organization. To date, Grand Gaming has donated over R360 000 to the organization which has been used to capacitate their infrastructure and much needed resources for their day to day operations. Our financial aid has assisted them in effectively alleviating the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty by providing education, information, counselling on prevention treatment, providing care and support to people infected and affected. The funds helped them continue to provide first-class Training Skills, Economic Development facilities and services to the community especially the formerly disadvantaged marginalized people in our community such as women, children and physically challenged people.

KHANYA FAMILY CENTRE is a South African Not for Profit community mental health care organization that has been providing accessible psychosocial services for children and families in the townships of Ekurhuleni, east of Johannesburg since 1994. Khanya ‘s “ healing through hope” slogan emphasizes empathy and passion—they believe that emotional and mental theyllbeing is a key step in managing and rebuilding the lives of affected individuals, families and communities.
Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated R48 949 to the Khanya Facility Centre to assist them in continuing to provide psychological counselling and support services to children, adults and families experiencing life challenges, including those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS; they also facilitate the process of capacity building for community members to promote their own they’ll-being , growth and self-reliance.

Rearabilwe is a South Sotho word which means "They have been answered". Rearabilwe Ekurhuleni Community Care (RECC) is a community-based organization working with orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) affected or infected by HIV/AIDS.
Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated R79 350 to assist the organization to provide orphans and vulnerable children with psychosocial support and a social safety net for those children and their families. The programme uses a developmental approach that ensures that there is sustainability in the lives of the beneficiaries.
The United Cerebral Palsy Association of SA was established in 1951 and has been taking care of children with Cerebral Palsy. Many of the children are abandoned and others referred by the Department of Health. THE UCPA provides 24 hour care which includes stimulation, therapy and other specialized treatment to all affected by cerebral palsy. The United Cerebral Palsy Association of South Africa ‘Harry Kessler Centre’ is home to ± 40 children and young adults who suffer the effects of Profound Cerebral Palsy, all of whom require and receive round-the-clock-care. Most residents have been abandoned or orphaned and come from all over South Africa (3years of age upwards).
Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R194 000 to the organization. To date, Grand Gaming Gauteng has donated over R230 000 to assist the organization in providing specialized nursing care, medical care, physio therapy, occupational therapy, aqua therapy, neuro oxygen therapy, schooling, food, clothing, other essentials and above all a home they can call their own with ‘mothers’ who love them and help them reach their full potential.
Contributed R5 million
Grand Gaming Gauteng partnered with Sun International and the Gauteng Gambling Board in committing R5 million to supplying essential personal protection equipment (PPE) for learners and teachers at 50 schools in Gauteng. The partnership has ensured that the schools are supplied with foot pedal dispensers, soap dispensers, surface sprays, hand sanitisers and thermometers along with plastic aprons, plastic and rubber hand gloves, face shields for teachers and admin staff, and masks for everyone. Approximately 60 000 students and 1 500 teachers and administration staff benefited from the donation.

Way forward Centre
Contributed R156 000
In December we visited Way Forward Centre, a vibrant and unique non-profit organisation situated in Vosloorus which actively involves orphans, vulnerable children and youth in poverty prevention.
Their programme is targeted at young people by providing them with a platform to develop and address issues in order to become successful in life.
Grand Gaming donated R156 000 towards changing the lives of our youth.

Mduduzi Memorial Hospice
Contributed R250 000
Mduduzi Memorial Hospice is a community-based organization that deals with HIV/AIDS program in the community of Vosloorus and surrounding arrears. The organization was established in 2004 by a group of parents comprised of community leaders and professionals who obliged to play a meaningful role in the plight of HIV/AIDS orphaned and vulnerable children.
Mduduzi Memorial Organization strives to ensure high standards in the services we provide, to effectively alleviate the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty by providing education, information, counselling on prevention treatment, providing care and support to people infected and affected by the pandemic. To provide first-class Training Skills, Economic Development facilities and services to the community especially the formerly disadvantaged marginalized people in our community such as women, children and physically challenged people.
Mduduzi Memorial Hospice mission is to:
- Provide care and support to the infected and affected.
- Provide childhood learning and development programs for OVC (Orphan & Vulnerable Children).
- Provide psycho-social support programs for OVC.
- Provide high poverty alleviation programs.
- Provide income-generating projects and skills development facilities.
- Ensure the implementation of training programs.
Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R250 000 towards assisting Mduduzi Memorial to achieve their mission.

10th Commandments Community Centre
Contributed R247 986
10th Commandments Community Centre believes that everyone deserves a second chance;” they are our children they all need to be loved and cared for”.
They help the youth to quit drugs, educate them on why drugs are very dangerous to both young and old through counselling, doing physical exercises and giving out medication.
Our Goals
Their main goal is to see all the addicted boys and girls get the help and support in order to beat this dangerous drug. Most of them are intelligent and willing to start building their futures, some even want to go back to school.
The boys and girls are provided with shelter, they are cooked for and supported to change the way they used to live. It’s really sad because some of them are rejected by their families because they used to steal from them. After getting the treatment at 10th CCCC going back home will not be a problem because a Nyaope user will get a certificate confirming that he is no longer smoking or injecting Nyaope. ”We strive to fully rehabilitate the addicts and integrate them back into society.“
We donated R247,986.00 to help them improve the facilities.

New Beginningz
Contributed R152 707
New BeginningZ has been in operation since 2001, with the main focus being Children living and working on the streets.
In 2003, due to HIV/Aids Pandemic, they included Child Headed Households to their focus group and in 2004 included yet another vulnerable group - abandoned babies and toddlers.
New BeginningZ caters for children between the ages of newborn’s up to 18 years. It is of paramount importance to them to render services and programs that are in the best interest of every individual child that they deal with.
Just as soon as you think you've seen the worst of cases, you come across yet another one. Abusers don't discriminate against colour, creed or age. Child Abuse is rife in our country and unfortunately not nearly enough is being done to protect the future of our country, the children. The government is shirking their responsibility when it comes to providing for destitute families, therefore, making it increasingly difficult for the poorest of the poor to survive. New BeginningZ was grateful to have received R152,707.33 to assist in the development of the little angels.

Kitso Lesedi Youth Development
Contributed R200 000
Kitso Lesedi Youth Development understands that poverty is more than about an income, as it also strongly involves deprivation of resources, opportunities and choices. Therefore the purposes of the programs within the Development Centre are to capacitate the poor and the most vulnerable with both hard and soft skills, moving them from a state of being poor to self-reliance.
Founded in 2008 by Thapelo Alpheus Modise with the aim of up-skilling the youth of South Africa.
Their capacity building programs have been very successful in that over 700+- of young people underwent Life’s skills, business, ICT AND Artisan trainings.
We at Grand Gaming Gauteng donated R200 000 to assist with the renovations of the center.

Vita Nova Centre
Contributed R40 000
We cater for persons with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism and the Physically and Mentally challenged. Some of our children are blind, deaf or have HIV/AIDS. At the moment we have 108 residents at the centre ranging from the age of 1 year and older, the oldest being 71 years old. They arrive at the centre with nothing and we provide them with toiletries, nappies, bedding and clothing. We give all our children lots of love and care, something they so desperately need and deserve!
The majority of our younger children are either abandoned or come from disadvantaged areas. All our residents are uneducable and will never be able to go out and earn a living for themselves. They will forever need care, love and assistance.
Vita Nova means “New Life”. To the more unfortunate, Vita Nova will be the only home they will ever know, and we strive to make it as homely and as happy as possible.

Westview Clinic
Contributed R130 000
Westview Clinic started out in 1970 in a caravan in Horizon, Roodepoort, handing out information pamphlets to the publics and offering out-patient care. Increasing demand for alcohol and drug rehabilitation in general and for in-patient facilities in particular necessitated the move and the best available building was a converted police station in the Roodepoort CBD. The Clinic then became known as Sanca West Rand Clinic.
While the converted police station in the Roodepoort CBD provided adequate space, the environment did not do justice to the services delivered and they began to put plans in place for owning their own facility in a more attractive location that would help patients feel more upbeat.
Many addicts lose their sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Restoring an addicts’ dignity is, therefore an essential part of their treatment. Which is why, Westview Clinic believes in keeping their equipment, accommodation and other facilities as attractive, comfortable and welcoming as possible.

United Cerebral Palsy Association
Contributed R45 000
The primary goals include providing their clients with quality nursing care and stimulation in the form of creative occupational therapy. Aqua Hydro Therapy, Speech therapy, Physiotherapy and Stimulating visits and outings to events and places of interest. They have a year round programmed of planned activities for each day based on various ‘Themes’ with active exploration being ‘key’ to the various projects. Of great significance this year has been the importance of self feeding, floor play, hand function, stimulation of fine and gross motor skills, they also introduced greater communication between clients and schools who have played a great role in interrelations with music, storytelling, puppet shows and spiritual dance.

Peas in a pod Urbanvest Foundation
Contributed R138 000
Dr. Annali Swanepoel identified the need for a girls-only house in her work as a volunteer counselor at the SAPS in Olievenhoutbosch. Since inception the house has been the home of over 50 girls ranging in ages from 2 to 17 years of age.
The house can accommodate 15 girls who are taken care of by 3 housemothers.
The care of the housemothers is complimented with the counseling by Prof Vollie Spies, the social worker of Urbanvest Foundation,"Peas in a pod". The therapy the girls receive here is focused on the rehabilitation of the ravages of abuse.
We donated R138 000 towards running their facilities.

Wheelchair South Africa
Contributed R100 000
“A big thank you to Grand Gaming Gauteng for the generous contribution of R100 000 to support our community programmes in Gauteng. We are very grateful for the support and pledge our best efforts in continuing to make more stars", said Anthony Moruthane Wheelchair Tennis SA.